Asking Powerful Questions | Growing Into Life

The Art of Asking Powerful Questions

Ter­min Details

Do You Know Your Basics?
The Art of Asking Powerful Questions.

Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki & Kees Wiebering
Work­shop at the Ber­lin Chan­ge Days, 31th Oct. — 2nd Nov. 2014
GLS Lan­guage School Ber­lin, Kas­ta­ni­en­al­lee 82, 10435 Ber­lin, Germany

PDF Flip­Charts Presentation
PDF Flip­Charts Exer­ci­s­es from SAT
PDF Flip­Charts Exer­ci­s­es from SUN

Who asks is lea­ding. Ques­ti­ons are the basic tools of each con­sul­tant, coach and exe­cu­ti­ve. But the­re is a dif­fe­rence bet­ween asking ques­ti­ons and asking good ques­ti­ons. The useful­ness of our know­ledge and the effec­ti­ve­ness of our actions depend on the qua­li­ty of the ques­ti­ons we ask. Good ques­ti­ons open the door to dia­lo­gue, crea­ti­vi­ty and new ways of thin­king. Good ques­ti­ons cata­ly­se insight, inno­va­ti­on and action. Asking powerful ques­ti­ons igni­tes change.

  • do your work by asking good questions?
  • think you can impro­ve your skills in asking questions?
  • want to excel in asking powerful questions?

Plea­se feel invi­ted to our prac­ti­cal work­shop. Beco­me an artist in asking powerful questions !

Peg­gy & Kees

Kees Wie­be­ring is a chan­ge faci­li­ta­tor with a phi­lo­so­phy back­ground. Faci­li­ta­ting dia­lo­gue and chan­ge pro­ces­ses are the com­mon thread in his work: coa­ching, working with con­flict, organi­sation deve­lo­p­ment. Asking cla­ri­fy­ing or pro­vo­ca­ti­ve ques­ti­ons and assis­ting peo­p­le in their jour­ney from 'pro­blem?!' to 'eure­ka!' is the tool of his trade. Kees works inter­na­tio­nal­ly in the non-pro­fit sec­tor. His office is loca­ted in Frankfurt/ Main, Germany.

Wie­be­ring | wie​be​ring​.com

Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki is a faci­li­ta­tor of chan­ge pro­ces­ses in life, for peo­p­le and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. She has a holi­stic approach in faci­li­ta­ti­on and con­siders indi­vi­du­als and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons as a who­le, invol­ving all sen­ses and all levels of con­scious­ness to the chan­ge pro­cess – just body, mind and soul. She crea­tes a joyful working atmo­sphe­re that pro­mo­tes being crea­ti­ve, being able to chan­ge points of view with an ease, and to deve­lop a broa­der dimen­si­on for excel­lent solu­ti­ons. She is loca­ted in Bonn, Germany.

Gro­wing Into Life  | gro​wing​-into​-life​.com

Ber­lin Chan­ge Days | ber​lin​ch​an​ge​days​.com