Ter­min Tag: Holi­stic Facilitation

Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki, Work­shop "The Organi­sation Com­pass – A holi­stic tool for chan­ge pro­cess faci­li­ta­ti­on" 01 – 03.Nov. 2013, Ber­lin Chan­ge Days
Abs­tract: Exe­cu­ti­ves and con­sul­tants, it dri­ves them equal­ly to ask which divi­si­ons of the organi­sation per­forms excel­lent, and which could be impro­ved. For their lea­der­ship they wish to have a sui­ta­ble and effi­ci­ent tool at hand that gives them ori­en­ta­ti­on and sus­tained sup­port for orga­ni­sa­tio­nal chan­ge pro­ces­ses. The Organi­sation Com­pass is an useful and effec­ti­ve tool for various situations.
The Organi­sation Com­pass is the main tool of the Genui­ne Cont­act ™ approach. Faci­li­ta­tors of this con­sul­tant approach repre­sent a holi­stic atti­tu­de in the per­for­mance of their pro­fes­si­on. Holi­stic means that peo­p­le and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons are addres­sed as a who­le and come to a genui­ne and authen­tic cont­act with them­sel­ves. All levels of con­scious­ness are invol­ved in the chan­ge pro­cess: the ratio­nal, emo­tio­nal, spi­ri­tu­al and phy­si­cal level – the visi­ble and the invi­si­ble, just in heart and mind. The his­to­ri­cal ori­gin lies in the four arche­ty­pes of the shaman medi­ci­ne wheel, an anci­ent wis­dom that has always sup­port peo­p­le in important decis­i­ons. It pro­vi­des a meaningful and com­pre­hen­si­ve ana­ly­sing struc­tu­re for dia­gno­sis, imple­men­ta­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on. Whe­ther it is to find solu­ti­ons for an exis­ting pro­blem, to media­te a con­ten­tious issue, to mana­ge or eva­lua­te a pro­ject, or to faci­li­ta­te a per­so­nal or orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment, all important aspects are taken into account with the Organi­sation Com­pass tool.

The Fine Art of Facilitation | Coaching Training Moderation