Play­ing Poli­tics: Prac­ti­cal and Inspi­ring Course

I am the per­son who is not very much into poli­tics but loves nego­tia­ti­ons so at first I wasn't sure about the cour­se but deci­ded to give it a try, and it was the best decis­i­on I made that term.
Pro­fes­sor Peg­gy Terletzki's choice of lite­ra­tu­re was very inte­res­t­ing, while pre­pa­ring for the first prac­ti­cal class I could find some­thing new about ratio­nal choice theo­ry and how it is imple­men­ted in practice.

During the cour­se we had very grip­ping games and dis­cus­sions. We were given enough time to think and com­mu­ni­ca­te, to fight our shy­ness, while play­ing very inte­res­t­ing and some­ti­mes psy­cho­lo­gi­cal­ly inten­se games. Big thanks to Prof. Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki for her careful atti­tu­de about coro­na and all the pre­cau­ti­on mea­su­res (at that time in-per­son clas­ses weren't abso­lut­e­ly for­bidden) but in the same time very enga­ging atmosphere.

Yet the best part of the cour­se, and my per­so­nal gre­at thanks to prof. Peg­gy, is that becau­se of it all I found ama­zing fri­ends. The cour­se is built the way that when you finish it you know your col­le­agues on a deep level, you learn to see their beha­vi­oral pat­terns, moti­va­tions and core values. After it my class of 8 peo­p­le felt like one big fami­ly. And we are still in touch, play­ing some games and just having deep conversations.

If I could, I would take the cour­se all over again. Never thought play­ing can be so useful for studying.
Thank you, prof. Peg­gy, for making my Eras­mus expe­ri­ence gre­at and hel­ping me find new fri­ends <3