Peggy's deep know­ledge and her gift to under­stand com­plex situa­tions have hel­ped me to orga­ni­ze my semi­nars in a struc­tu­ra­li­zed way.

I work­ed with Peg­gy as a coach. Her deep know­ledge and her gift to under­stand com­plex situa­tions have hel­ped me to orga­ni­ze my semi­nars in a struc­tu­ra­li­zed way. Next to working tech­ni­ques I am still pro­fiting from her stra­te­gies to moti­va­te mys­elf and others. This has hel­ped me a lot during the semes­ter and will do so in the future. Thanks, Peggy!"

Susan­ne from Zurich (Switz­er­land), 2014