Ein Lea­der­ship Coa­ching: Füh­ren und geführt wer­den wie im Tanz

Ich habe mich von Heinz von Foers­ter inspi­rie­ren lassen:

"We can use lan­guage as a dance. Lan­guage for me is an invi­ta­ti­on to dance. When we are dancing we are using lan­guage to sug­gest to each other what steps we would like to do. Two part­ners are dancing out on a big flo­or — and nobo­dy leads. Both lead. Both help the other to make the swing to the right, to the left, etc. The­se steps are not pre­scri­bed. Steps are only the­re as a refe­rence to be able to use them. When we do a waltz we know how to do a waltz, but whe­ther we do it to the left or to the right, for­ward, back­ward, is a choice of the cou­ple. And not the choice of he or she. So when we are tal­king with each other, we are in dia­lo­gue and invent what we both wish the other would invent with me. Tog­e­ther­ness is the point in a dia­lo­gue. And lan­guage is an invi­ta­ti­on to dia­lo­gue and not an invi­ta­ti­on to monologue."

Bei­spiel für ein Coa­ching zu Führung


Welcome Leadership Coaching
Will­kom­mens­bild für ein Coa­ching zu Füh­rung / Lea­der­ship (anony­mi­siert)

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