"Play­ing Poli­tics" was real­ly gre­at experience

I par­ti­ci­pa­ted on one of the cour­ses in Euro­pean Uni­ver­si­ty Via­dri­na Frank­furt (Oder) Ger­ma­ny, under a title “Play­ing Poli­tics” with Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki as our faci­li­ta­tor. It was real­ly gre­at expe­ri­ence. I could learn so much about making ratio­nal decis­i­on through series of games. She mana­ged and sup­port­ed us throug­hout the ses­si­ons pas­sio­na­te­ly. Thank you for the cour­se and I hope we might cross our paths again some­time in the future!

Wis­nu from Indo­ne­sia, 2018