
Traum­rei­sen gele­sen von Peg­gy Ter­letz­ki in der Salz­grot­te in Nie­der­kas­sel-Rheidt am FR 5. April 2019 von 18.00h bis 19.00h Brau­chen Sie eine Erho­lung nach Kar­ne­val und wäh­rend der Fas­ten­ta­ge? Wol­len … Traum­rei­sen in der Rheid­ter Salz­grot­te wei­ter­le­sen

Simu­la­ti­on Game "Play­ing Poli­tics". Prac­ti­cal Expe­ri­en­cing of Ratio­nal Choice Theo­re­ti­cal Con­cepts Euro­­pe-Uni­­ver­­­si­­ty Via­dri­na in Frankfurt/Oder, Ger­ma­ny Semi­nar for BA and MA Gra­des 3 | 6 ECTS BA: Pra­xis­mo­dul / Sozi­al­wis­sen­schaft­li­che Ver­tie­fung MASemi­nar "Simu­la­ti­on Game Play­ing Poli­tics" SS 2019 wei­ter­le­sen

The pur­po­se of the simu­la­ti­on game "Play­ing poli­tics" is to show prac­ti­cal impli­ca­ti­ons of ratio­nal choice and game theo­ry. Poli­tics are cal­cu­la­ted and cal­cu­la­ting inter­ac­tions bet­ween self-inte­res­ted poli­ti­cal actors – indi­vi­du­als, poli­ti­ci­ans, poli­ti­cal par­ties, pres­su­re groups, natio­nal govern­ments, and alli­ances of count­ries. The simu­la­ti­on game pres­ents poli­ti­cal action as simp­le games, dis­clo­sing imper­fec­tions and dilem­ma­ta, and explo­ring com­ple­xi­ty of the "real" world in a playful atmosphere.

Mana­ging Com­ple­xi­ty. In kom­ple­xen Situa­tio­nen sou­ve­rän führen
Kom­ple­xi­täts­kom­pe­tenz für Füh­rungs­kräf­te und Unternehmer

Trai­ning im Früh­jahr 2020: von Frei­tag, 27. März ab 17 Uhr bis Sonn­tag, 29. März 14 Uhr im Ganz­heit­lichen Gesund­heits­zen­trum Bad Hon­nef | Rhein­blick­str. 80a, 53619 Rheinbreitbach

The pur­po­se of the simu­la­ti­on game "Play­ing poli­tics" is to show prac­ti­cal impli­ca­ti­ons of ratio­nal choice and game theo­ry. Poli­tics are cal­cu­la­ted and cal­cu­la­ting inter­ac­tions bet­ween self-inte­res­ted poli­ti­cal actors. The simu­la­ti­on game pres­ents poli­ti­cal action as simp­le games, dis­clo­sing imper­fec­tions and dilem­ma­ta, and explo­ring com­ple­xi­ty of the "real" world in a playful atmosphere.

The Fine Art of Facilitation | Coaching Training Moderation