Traumreisen in der Rheidter Salzgrotte
Traumreisen gelesen von Peggy Terletzki in der Salzgrotte in Niederkassel-Rheidt am FR 5. April 2019 von 18.00h bis 19.00h Brauchen Sie eine Erholung nach Karneval und während der Fastentage? Wollen … Traumreisen in der Rheidter Salzgrotte weiterlesen
Seminar "Simulation Game Playing Politics" SS 2019
Simulation Game "Playing Politics". Practical Experiencing of Rational Choice Theoretical Concepts Europe-University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany Seminar for BA and MA Grades 3 | 6 ECTS BA: Praxismodul / Sozialwissenschaftliche Vertiefung MA … Seminar "Simulation Game Playing Politics" SS 2019 weiterlesen
Seminar "Simulation Game Playing Politics" WS 2019 – 2020
The purpose of the simulation game "Playing politics" is to show practical implications of rational choice and game theory. Politics are calculated and calculating interactions between self-interested political actors – individuals, politicians, political parties, pressure groups, national governments, and alliances of countries. The simulation game presents political action as simple games, disclosing imperfections and dilemmata, and exploring complexity of the "real" world in a playful atmosphere.
Fällt aus!! Managing Complexity. In komplexen Situationen souverän führen
Managing Complexity. In komplexen Situationen souverän führen
Komplexitätskompetenz für Führungskräfte und Unternehmer
Training im Frühjahr 2020: von Freitag, 27. März ab 17 Uhr bis Sonntag, 29. März 14 Uhr im Ganzheitlichen Gesundheitszentrum Bad Honnef | Rheinblickstr. 80a, 53619 Rheinbreitbach
Online Seminar "Simulation Game Playing Politics" SS 2020
The purpose of the simulation game "Playing politics" is to show practical implications of rational choice and game theory. Politics are calculated and calculating interactions between self-interested political actors. The simulation game presents political action as simple games, disclosing imperfections and dilemmata, and exploring complexity of the "real" world in a playful atmosphere.
Playing Politics WS 2020 / 2021
Playing Politics. Playing Games for the sake of accelerated student learning and personality growth.